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1 Year Milestone: Reflections

1-Year Post Heart Transplant. ALHAMDULILAH, All Praise be to God.

Ever since this beautiful new heart began to beat in my chest, every second has been a blessing. Every extra breath has been a milestone.

I truly consider myself so incredibly blessed to have made it this far. The heart that has made a home beneath my chest, is not mine, but it is the most precious, most bountiful gift, that even in my wildest dreams, I could not have imagined.

I think about this time last year, the bittersweet day, when my family & I were given the most hopeful news, that I would be given the chance to live, whilst another family had begun their grieving journey, as they acknowledge the loss of their beautiful loved one.

In a split second, they could have said "no" to organ donation, & my family and I would be in a completely different place right now.

When I say 'family' & not just 'me', who has been impacted by their decision, I say that with sincerity, from the bottom of my (new) heart. Their "yes" transformed not only my life, but my whole families life. They have showed us that even in a world of such darkness, there can be so much light.

For that reason, my donor & their family will forever remain in my thoughts and prayers. Every hurdle I pass, every rock I push, every mountain I climb, will always be "ours" & never mine alone.

In the 1 year post hearty transplant...

  • WE have felt time

  • WE have started a blog

  • WE have ran longer than 30 seconds

  • WE have graduated from University

  • WE have seen the beautiful colours of life

  • WE have fallen down slippery, rocky waterfall hikes landed on our bum & laughed it off

  • WE have covered 150km in a month for charity

  • WE have been scratched by a cat (no not Rafi)

WE have smiled bigger, laughed louder, loved greater and hugged tighter, than we've ever done before because WE now know just how precious life is.

Time is a blessing, not an expectation. And I praise God every single day for every second of every waking moment I get to see my loved ones grow, smile, laugh, and live. There is nothing more beautiful than that.

Thank you, my beautiful angel, from the bottom of (our) heart💗

Enjoy this 30-second clip of my 1-year journey through heart transplant

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