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From The Bottom Of My (New) Heart

There was no way I could start this blog without first praising those who made a significant impact on this journey to heart transplant.

So, without further ado… from the bottom of my (new) heart…


The One

I praise the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful, Almighty Allah,

for the health, that now pumps like a trooper in my veins.

and for blessing me with the best of people surrounding me at the peak of hardship – and from whom I’ve learnt so much. Alhamdulilah!

Here are just a few of those amazing people…


My Pakistani Teddy Bears

I applaud my mama and papa,

for their undoubted bravery and resilience

and for gifting me with a love so pure.

If I was brave these past few months it was only and only because I had the most bravest role models in the world. Never shedding a tear in my presence, never losing faith, and always displaying the most bright, most beautiful smile on their faces despite all the pain in their hearts.

May Allah SWT reward them both immensely for their strength. Ameen!

Leeds Dream Team

I thank the entire cardiology team at Leeds General Infirmary, for their reassurance, guidance, and compassion for the last seven years.

They were the beacon of light, guiding me every step of the way,

from understanding the progression of my heart failure, to being referred to Newcastle for heart transplant assessment.

The Geordie Hospital

I thank those who made the miracle truly possible, in Newcastle's Freeman Hospital.

I thank the surgeons, and entire transplant team, who, whilst I was auditioning for Sleeping Beauty, were working for hours, all hands on deck, taking my weak old heart out, and replacing it with the stronger heart of a donor.

I am indebted to the nurses, receptionists, kitchen staff, dieticians, physiotherapists, doctors, ICU nurses, ward clerks, psychologists, for their everlasting support and kindness for the many months that I bothered them for.

I also thank Rafi, the Freeman cat, For being the true Angel of the North, And for being the beautiful distraction that every patient needs.

(P.S. you can follow his Facebook page - yes he has one)

My Beautiful Donor and Their Family


I don’t think I will ever be able to fully express my gratitude, to a family who had to suffer such tremendous loss,

and give a final gift so precious,

so that someone like me could live again. Alhamdulilah.

Thank you beautiful soul, you will remain in my thoughts and prayers till my last remaining breath.

When I stand and reflect on the canvas that moves above, and see the trees dancing with the breeze, I thank each and every one of you... from the bottom of my new heart.




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